To the Man Who Rejected Me

A Letter Of Thanks

Bella Reyna
Dating Diaries


Photo of a man with a suitcase, silhoutetted in a large archway as he walks away, into a sunset. The walls in the foreground of the photo are dark, minimally lit, and he walks towards a blue and pink sun behind white nad grey clouds, a grass-lined road in his path.
Photo by Mantas Hesthaven on Unsplash

To the Man Who Rejected Me,

Thank you.
Thank you for telling me that we weren’t a good fit.

Thank you for letting me know before we got closer, or became physical.

You recognized or noticed something that I didn’t yet see.
You identified an incompatibility.

I don’t know what it was. I’d first wondered if it might have been a misunderstanding, or if it was about timing or speed, or if it was something else.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what it was. It’s an incompatibility for you, and that means it’s an incompatibility for me.

We had lovely conversations. I enjoyed getting to know you, and sharing about me. I was looking forward more, and I accept that there won’t be any more. I appreciate the conversations we did have.

Your decision has freed us each to spend our time and energies elsewhere, to perhaps find what and whom are compatible. This opens doors rather than blocking them with someone who doesn’t fit.

Thank you for recognizing this early, and for stating it neutrally and definitively. I recognize your strength and courage in doing so. Your action was kind and I appreciate you.

I wish you well.




Bella Reyna
Dating Diaries

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.