Aug 29, 2022
4 stories
A letter of invitation & intention to my future partner, about our future relationship. This is where I start. I want to learn where you start. Then we can choose to build something together. 💞
A request, as we get to know each other: I don't want a fantasy, built of empty wishes
& promises. I want a solid, stable relationship, rooted in trust that's consistently built up over time.
Meet me in my power. Be in your power. Let us meet each other:
In power, in strength, in courage, vulnerability, pain, pleasure, and more.
I choose to be with those who celebrate my light,
Who help me shine brighter,
And whose light illuminates with me.
This poem is about those who have tried to capture me, to dim my light, to hold me as their own.
I share this so that you may know what freedom is for me, and how we can support each other, fostering us to each shine brightly.