Bella Reyna

Jul 24, 2022

14 stories

My Ex Files: The Controller

The way we shared a bed was a metaphor for our relationship...the evolution from beginning to end.
I was fighting to be myself, fighting to maintain my own sense of self, defending and justifying my decisions that were not his to make. (relationship specifics in second half of article)
I realized that sometimes, trying too hard to find understanding can be a betrayal of my own boundaries and self.
He'd heard my "no" and decided that he knew better. It became a consent issue for me,
He would regularly bring in the Invisible Army to help support him
He claimed my pleasure as his accomplishment
Early on in the relationship, he'd been trauma-seeking, asking me to reveal "all" of my traumas, so that he could "look after" me and not hurt me. He didn't like when I said "no" and kept pushing until I gave a long, explanation that he could accept.
Bella Reyna

Bella Reyna

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.