I Almost Bought a Chair Today, Butt…

The Interactive Art Feature Caught My Eye

Bella Reyna
3 min readMay 25, 2022
Photo of a white plush chair with wooden legs, against a white background
Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

I almost bought a chair today — a quasi impulse purchase because I hadn’t been planning on buying one right now, but I have been keeping my eyes out for one I like for a few months.

I’m looking for a chair for my bedroom: comfortable to sit in (even if I want to cross my legs,) with enough back support whether I want to read a book or write with my laptop on my crossed legs or a small table… It should be easy enough to clean, and designed to not collect too much cat hair from my feline roommate (because I know I’d have to share any chair with her.) Tufted chairs tend to collect cat hair, and so do chairs with a set-in seat.

I know much of what I want. I’m selective, and patient.

The chair I found today is a wide, armless chair with a wide back that goes straight across. I can lean back comfortably without slouching.The back is comfortable. The seat is comfortable. I sat on it with my legs almost crossed, not wanting to put my feet on the unpurchased chair, even though it had a thick vinyl cover. It‘s not tufted at all, just one surface for the back and one surface for the seat, with a small space in between the seat and back so cat fur wouldn’t gather and I could vacuum it easily.

The velour is soft, the kind that you can easily hand-brush if it got a pattern from something rubbing on it. And it’s grey — the same colour as my existing couch, bedspread, and feline roommate.

I sat on it for five or ten minutes in the store, then decided I wanted it. They had two available. The only question: Did I want to buy only one for my bedroom, or the second one to put near my bookcase?

I asked a salesperson if I could buy one now and put the other one on hold until tomorrow, mentioning that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to buy one or two. She said that would be fine, and brought my one chair to the front so I could pay for it.

I asked the cashier about putting the other one on hold, and she said it would be no problem as long as I paid for both tonight. I explained that I wasn’t sure if I wanted to buy both. She replied that she had to ask the manager.

I sat on my chair, testing it out for a few minutes until the manager arrived. The vinyl had already been removed, and I still liked it. It was comfy. This would be my new writing chair.

I stood up to greet the manager and was told that they could only hold the second chair until the end of this evening unless I paid for it now — that left me less than an hour to decide. Hmmm…

Then I looked down at the chair I’d just sat in: the velour was much more susceptible to picking up designs than I’d imagined. The velour on the seat of the chair had a very detailed design in the shape of my butt and thighs. My yoga pants had made an impression!

While I quite like my butt and thighs (and get compliments,) I don’t feel like doing an art show every time I get up from that chair, even if I’m the only human to see it. Although thinking about it now…should I start that as an art form? Paint on fabric? Or buy the chair and take photos of the patterns??

Hmmmm….. Fine art of the buttocks and thighs, anyone???
I wouldn’t be the first, and certainly wouldn’t be the last…

On second thought, I’m not quite ready for that just yet. ;)

Photo of a statue of naked woman from behind. Her long hair drapes down her back and to the side. The background is dark blue and off-white ombre.
Photo by Stavrialena Gontzou on Unsplash



Bella Reyna

Imperfect human, learning through life. Exploration. Mistakes. Lessons. Transformation. Healing. ~ Relationships. Non-monogamy. Life. Love. Family. Creativity.